Inappropriate Urination / Defecation

Cats are generally very easy to housetrain. Putting them in a room without rugs or carpet with a litter box for a day or so is usually enough to get them to use their box. Cats like to dig to bury their feces or urine, and cat litter provides an excellent way to do so.

However, if your housetrained cat stops using their litter box, that can be an emergency situation - both medically and behaviorally. Medically, not using the litter box is generally the first sign of urinary tract inflammation. Urinary tract inflammation in cats can lead to urinary blockage, which can kill a cat quickly. Behaviorally, if a cat decides they don't want to use their litter box, and likes the carpet instead, this can be next to impossible to correct if we don't address it quickly.


Urinary Tract Inflammation

Urinary tract inflammation is the #1 reason (by far) that cats urinate (or defecate) outside their litter box. If they try to urinate in their box and it hurts, they associate that box with causing their pain and stop using it. Urinating outside the box may be the only way that your cat has to tell you something is wrong. You will generally not see blood in the urine until the problem is extremely advanced. Most cases of inflammation in younger cats are Feline Idiopathic Cystitis (FIC), which means the specific cause is unknown, although stress can be involved. Other causes of urinary tract inflammation include infection, stones, and crystals.

If you see your cat straining to urinate, frequently going to the box with no urine coming out, or crying when they urinate, this is an EMERGENCY! Urinary blockage is a life-threatening problem that can result from a urinary tract infection. This happens when crystals, stones, or pus block up the end of the urethra, and urine is trapped in the bladder. This condition can kill a cat if not corrected immediately. If treatment is not initiated promptly, pressure and toxins from the trapped urine can also create permanent damage in the kidneys.

Chronic urinary disease often requires frequent monitoring, and could even require surgery (perineal urethrostomy) to redirect the urethra and prevent blockage.

Other medical conditions

There are many diseases that cause cats to drink and urinate much more than normal, so they may not make it to the litter box in time. These include diabetes, kidney failure, and hyperthyroidism.

A cause that is important to think about in older cats is arthritis. Arthritis in the back and hips can make it painful to posture for urinating and cause the cat to try urinating in other places.

Urinating outside the litter box is a cry for help from your cat. It is very important for your veterinarian to examine your cat and evaluate them for other problems.

Physical Problems

Physical problems can be a big deal - and can be very cat specific. You may need to try a variety of things to see what works best for your cat, including different litters, different locations of boxes, and different numbers of boxes.

Dirty Litter Box

Cats are finicky, picky creatures, and a litter box that is not up to their standards can be enough for them to try a cleaner place - like a carpet or rug. Because they have such a sensitive sense of smell, the strong odor of a dirty box can be especially noxious.

To prevent this, clean the litter box often. Scoop used litter once or twice daily, and thoroughly cleaning using a mild soap every 2-3 weeks. Cats are very sensitive to smells, so harsh cleaners such as bleach may cause further problems.

Litter Box Placement

Cats like secluded quiet areas. Most cats prefer a covered litter box. In addition, they do not usually like to eat and drink near to where they eliminate. A box that is not very accessible can cause problems. At least one litter box per floor of the house is recommended.

Types of Litter & Boxes

Cats often develop a preference to a specific type of litter or litter box. Once you find something that works, continue to use it! Cats do not respond well to change, and usually prefer a certain substrate. If problems occur, give your cat a choice of litters: i.e. clay, clumping, paper-based. Also give them a choice of brands. Some brands are finer or dustier than others, which can cause a preference.

For cats that were formerly outdoor cats, start using clean dirt or sand, and gradually replace it with litter. This allows them to use what they were used to during the transition.

Some cats dislike litter box liners. If you notice your cat pulling at the liner, or claw marks in the liner, remove it.

Size, shape & depth of the litter box can cause preferences as well. Cats need room to move around in the box, so large cats need larger boxes. Older cats with arthritis may have problems getting into a litter box with high sides. You may need to buy a ramp for them to get into the litter box as well. Some cats reject electric litter boxes because the litter was not deep enough to bury things well and because the machine scares them.

Environmental changes

Cats are creatures of habit. Small changes that may not seem like a big deal to us can really cause major stress and anxiety to your cat. New people entering or leaving a household, moving, changes in routine, or a new pet can all trigger inappropriate elimination. Some cats are prescribed anti-anxiety medications to help control this stress response.

Territorial Disputes / Overcrowding

Cats can be very territorial. A cat that leaves their feces uncovered is usually trying to mark their territory. A cat farther down in the societal hierarchy may be reluctant to use that litter box if this occurs. Many cats do not like to share their litter box. Multiple cats mean you need multiple litter boxes. You should have one box for each cat plus one extra. This helps avoid disputes and clashes. If the main box is being used, the other cat should always have another choice.

Overcrowding, especially in indoor-only multi-cat households often cause territorial disputes and lead to inappropriate elimination. You should provide facilities for each of your cats. You can expand their habitat by including cat trees, cat condos, window perches, and screened patios. In addition, each cat needs love and attention as well.


Spraying is a behavior used to mark territory. It is most common in unneutered males, but can occur in females as well. It's easy to tell the difference between spraying and urinating. During spraying, the cat backs up to a vertical surface, raises his tail (which often quivers), treads, and sprays urine onto the vertical surface. This is as opposed to squatting to urinate.

Generally, spaying and neutering ends this behavior, but if this is delayed past sexual maturity, there is a chance that it may continue even after spaying & neutering. Cats can mark territory to warn other cats including cats they only see out the window. They will also spray as a sign of stress or anxiety. However, they can do either urinating or spraying to show this. They may spray on new clothes, in suitcases, in heat registers or on the belongings of one particular person in the household.


Treatment for inappropriate urination usually takes a multifocal approach.

Medical Therapy

  • Urinary tract infections or other medical problems, including arthritis, diabetes, and kidney disease each have their own treatment of inappropriate urinating depends on the specific cause.


  • Initially, while waiting for medications to start working, you may want to confine your cat to a room without carpet with their litter box (a bathroom or laundry room works well). Also, try the methods mentioned earlier including adding litter boxes, trying different litters, and changing litter box locations.
  • Cleaning the areas where your cat has urinated is essential to management and prevention of further marking. Use enzyme cleaners to clean. (Nature's Miracle is a good option).
  • If possible, cover the area so your cat does not have access to it until the enzyme cleaners can work (usually 1-2 weeks). Be careful to follow the label directions. If there are just one or two spots your cat uses inappropriately, try feeding them in that spot. Because cats do not like eliminating where they eat, they may not go back to that spot to mark.

Behavioral Therapy

  • Anti-anxiety supplements or drugs can be a very important part of treatment for some cats.Zylkene, Solliquin, or Composure are supplements that we often start with. Prescription anti-anxiety medications are needed for many cats.
  • Pheromone diffusers (Feliway) release comforting feline pheromones to decrease stress and unwanted behaviors.

Common mistakes people make:

  • WAITING: It is best to address this behavior before it becomes habit. It can be next to impossible to change their behavior after months and months of letting it set it.
  • ASSUMING: Owners sometimes assume their cat is just "mad" at them, when in reality, the cat has urinary pain and is doing everything they can to tell them what is wrong. A cat peeing right in front of you is a cat trying to tell you something!
  • PARTIAL TREATMENT: You have to treat all aspects of the problem - a cat with a urinary tract infection still needs to be treated behaviorally, because they have "learned" to like another place to urinate better. You have to clean the area appropriately. You have to treat the behavioral aspects by managing the environment.


Cornell: Inappropriate Urination

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